Tagged: mybatis

A lesson of @Transactional

Recently, I needed to work with a Cursor for statistics.

<mapper ...>
  <select id="selectCorsor" resultOrdered="true">

It didn’t make any difference.

public interface SomeMapper {
    Cursor<Some> selectCursor(...);

We need the @Transactional annotation for working with Cursor.

public class SomeService {

    public <R> R applyCursor(
            final Function<Cursor<Some>, R> function) {
         return function.apply(someMapper.selectCursor(..));

    private SomeMapper someMapper;

Well the method worked as expected.

The problem arose when I added a method using the origin method.

    public void acceptEach(
            final Consumer<Some> consumer) {
            cursor -> {
                return null;

This auxiliary method was not annotated with @Transactional and it didn’t work.

And I found @Transactional method calling another method without @Transactional anotation?.

The acceptEach method was also required to be annotated with @Transactional​.

Using Cursors with MyBatis

There are queries that you shouldn’t map as List<T>.

And the Cursor comes to play.

public class SomeService {

    public Cursor<Some> getCursor(...) {
        // returns the cursor?

Well it not a good way to do with it. The return value Cursor<Some> won’t work because the session may already be finished when the method returns.

public class SomeService {

    public <R> R applyCursor(
            Function<Cursor<Some>, R> function) {
        final Cursor<Some> cursor = ...;
        return function.apply(cursor);

Now we can add some other methods to do with it.

    public <R> R applyIterator(
            Function<Iterator<Some>, R> function) {
                cursor -> function.apply(cursor.iterator())

What about a Spliterator?

    public <R> R applySpliterator(
            Function<Spliterator<Some>, R> function) {
                iterator -> {
                    int characteristics
                        = Spliterator.DISTINCT
                          | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE
                          | Spliterator.NONNULL
                          | Spliterator.ORDERED;
                    Spliterator<CsEventAssociate> spliterator
                        = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(
                                iterator, characteristics);
                    return function.apply(spliterator);

And the Stream?

    public <R> R applyStream(
            Function<Stream<Some>, R> function) {
        return applySpliterator(
            spliterator -> function.apply(StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false))